Managing Post Election Stress, Anxiety and Depression

What Election Stress Is

If you find yourself feeling anxious, stressed, sleepless, depressed or simply overwhelmed with anger following the election you are not alone. Post Election anxiety has been reported by many people of all ages and ethnicities.  Long term anxiety has many physical effects on the body as well as the mind. Prolonged stress and anxiety inhibits a person’s ability to concentrate, make rational decisions, and be in control of one’s behaviors. If you have observed any of the feelings discussed above now is the time to act, learn, and implement effective coping skills for managing overwhelming emotions.

How to Manage Election Stress

The first coping skill that I would like to discuss is to practice mindfulness, learning how to stay in the present moment. The present moment is a state of mind where one can be in complete control of their thoughts and feelings. By focusing on the here-and-now, a person can make conscious decisions on what they are doing and can do. Focusing on the past, and worrying about the future is a mind state that can leave a person vulnerable to feeling out of control or stuck. Additional coping skills to help a person increase awareness of the present moment include yoga, meditation, prayer, and deep breathing.Additionally, know that you have options. Over the course of one day, or even hours you may benefit from more than one way of coping. Social media can be an excellent outlet to connect with others, however it can also turn to a place where you find yourself feeling increased anxiety, stress, or anger. Consider donating your time or money to organizations that you would like to stand behind. Seek support from a friend or family member. Let the person with whom you are talking to know exactly what you need, at that time do you need someone to just listen or would you benefit from engaging in more of a discussion.

How to Rid Yourself of Election Stress

Finally, self-care is essential to managing stress, anger, sleeplessness and anxiety. Speaking to a licensed therapist provides a safe environment to discuss your feelings and seek support in addressing and managing overwhelming emotions related to post election stress. For more information on setting up an appointment to speak with a licensed therapist please refer to the contact information on our website. 

904 E. 8th St.
Charlotte, NC 28204
P: 704-680-6414

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